Quirky Voices Presents


Season 1 Episode 5

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Hallo folks!

Sarah Golding here. I do hope you’re wellllll!

This is the second of three eps. on Post Natal Depression, focussing on Gabby’s made up and Lara’s real life story, with some medical professional advice.

In our audio fiction today, Freya turns up, and obviously some sparks fly with Gabby's low mood and Freya’s reaction to Gabby's of-the-moment quite frankly awful words! We fathom why Gabby feels so worried about how to be and what to do because of the painful legacy of her previous pregnancy.....and she admits that it is so much better to be able to share these thoughts and not go it alone..

The wonderful Tracy Greenwood of The Blackpool Teaching Hospital’s NHS Trust talks about how folks can help themselves if the post or peri natal depression has started to take over.

Lara Parker talks frankly on the key aspects of the condition that took its toll during and after her pregnancy. I find it fascinating. Touching on the whole how others see you and that whole dark place of continually comparing yourself to others...hyper anxiety is a terrible thing. We talk breastfeeding, the hardships of socialising as a mum when you’re feeling low, and helping babe conquer reflux and Poo problems.

                             ”As long as you’re happy, and your baby is safe
                               and you are safe, you will have a happy baby”
                                                                                    Lara Parker 2020

This show was funded by the Wellcome Trust and Pulse award funding, so thank you so much to them for the opportunity to develop this show with this very much needed funding.

Please can you help me out and fill in this survey to feedback what you think of the show, and any of the others they funded, so that hopefully if enough people feedback, they consider doing this again! CLICK HERE to Please fill in this survey to be in with he chance to win a £50 amazon voucher and help more podcasts get funding from THE PULSE AWARDS!

If you are struggling right now with PND, in whatever form, or feeling lonely, out of sorts or just “not you’ and want to ‘get back to you’ as Gabby puts it, please utilise the links to the  people and resources on the Quirky Voices website here, where you will also find the full shownote  links, and  please do talk to your partner and your pals who may well have gone through the thoughts and feelings you are too. Here's one of the links mentioned to give you some guidance in these crazy times...The Maternal Mental Health Alliance.

Feel free to contact quirkyvoices@gmail.com with any thoughts or comments on the show, or to contact Lara too!

Thanks so so much for listening.

Massive thanks to my cast Diane Alexander as Flo, Lucy Shirley as Rachel, Kirstin Stansfield as Freya, and of course the wonderful Lara Parker baring all as Gabby.

As ever huge gratitude to the amazing Fiona Thraille who has Executive Produced this show. Find her works of Audio awesome here!


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