Quirky Voices Presents


Sarah Golding, Karin Heimdahl Season 1 Episode 5

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Well goodness isn't' time flying?! Are you having fun yet?

Today I owe gratitude to the hugely talented and amazing Karin Heimdahl whom I met at Poduk this year, and she helped me demonstrate some auditions, and, well now is preparing to realise Y2K Podcast out into the world in January - every week for a year! THIS WILL BE EPIC! Woohoo! You can find links to that here.

I also hope you're enjoying the main meaning of Christmas which is finding more reasons to hang out with the people you love, or...lat least ike a lot. So. Hope that's happening for you!

There are audio drama meet ups every month in London that I sometimes frequent when I can - joinn us! Find them on the FICTION PODCAST NEWSLETTER and on the AUDIO DRAMA HUB FACEBOOK PAGE why dontcha...

TRANSRIPTION for my wonderful nonsense is on MY WEBSITE HERE. You can also contact me to take some acting and voice acting workshops for you, and I have been known to dabble in some Brecht and Stanislasky teaching too, and am rather reasonably priced. I mean. This is a free podcast...rght?!

If you would like to support my creative works and quite frankly massive effort....please feel free to ping to my ko-fi account here, or, oh goodness, I would LOVE you to become one of my Patreon supporters. They are amongst the loveliest and best human beings in the world and I love them muchly. Thanks Patreons. (iMAGINE THAT MADE OF BIRDMEN IN THE SY LIKE IN Flash Gordon)

Lemme know if this is useful or talk to me about anything voice acting ro workshops on quirkyvoces@gmail.com



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Ping Sarah on @QUIRKYVOICES or send a message to quirkyvoices@gmail.com

Feel free to review and of the shows herein, and if you want to support Quirky Voices works, become a Patreon! You get early works and earlybird eps and discounts for any courses.....