Quirky Voices Presents
Hello there
This the podcast feed for an eclectic and wonderous creative mix of podcasts under the Quirky Voices Presents banner.
Welcome!I have an interview show / MADIVA podcast (Modern Audio Drama Indie Voice Acting) and this is focused on exploring the craft of voice acting through interviews with working Va’s, producers, Showrunners and directors.
Anyone F’Coffee is a women’s health podcast hybrid audio drama / interview show.I wrote it and it stars women who actually suffer from the conditions explored, and are interviewed about it, as well as a medical professional or charity pro interview giving signposting for advice.
Other shows in the feed include TEDDY STORY
Join Lucas and Maisie in wonderful adventures with their Teddies. Journey through portals and magnificent twisting turning and loop the loop slides to far flung places with chocolate houses and dragons and clumsy unicorns and forgetful marshmallow cloud men and Mermaids who are afraid of the water....such fun! Stories narrated by Sarah Golding and with the occasional guest stars....fun times ahead! “Wait for meeee Tedddyyyy!”
Sarah is a voice actor in over 100 indie audio drama podcasts - here's a few worth a listen! Edict Zero FIS, (Marian Ep405) Amelia Project (Lily S1 Ep 11, Northcott S3) Ancestry (Alia) Wynabego Warrior (Lizzie. Most eps!) We Fix Space Junk (Lingen S2 EP7) A Scottish Podcast (Drunk Helen) Hostile Worlds (Sarah) Alt Fiction Hare Spell (Old Sally) You are Here (Cora) Orphans (Minister Orsham) 1994 POD (Starla) Tunnels Podcast (Karen) Attention Hellmart Shoppers (Melinda Ashe) Redwing (Detective) Minefire (Marian), Carlotta Beautox (Rita), LIMBO (Nonna), Oz9 (Mrs Sheffield)…
Sarah has been a teacher, community theatre director and writes as much as possible. She was pod host for The Audio Drama Production Podcast for 18 months of joyyyyyAnd runs monthly Audio Drama Hub Virtual Pubs anddd helps co-edit the Fiction Podcast News Weekly and Co-hosts ADWIT Podcast with Lindsay Harris-Friel.
Please do rate and subscribe and review if you have found any of these podcasts entertaining or useful so other folks can find it too!
Quirky Voices Presents
Hello #KidsHorror Lovers👻☠️🧟🧛🏼♂️🧙🎃
Here's a (quite scary) horror story for those 10+ (or parents, guardians ...listen first!) all about
It is Inspired by a nightmare my daughter had when she was 2 ..ish ...and all she could say was....'Man....Man...Hat man....Black Hat' - it terrified me that she thought a man in a black hat had been staring at her for half the night as she was paralysed in her cot. And so. This story...brewed.
Trigger warnings include...
Peril, Danger of soul being taken, Children being naughty. Child in peril, Paralysis, Whimpering child, Stair Stomping, Gurgling Tummy, Threat from an entity, scary deep voices (manipulated pitch).
The narrator is speaking as if in the house in which this story takes place. Shut your eyes...be brave, and see....the story...
The message to be kind is universal. Maybe do something kind every day to keep the HAT MAN away....
And it goes without saying that
I hope none of you get a visit from
Feel free to review these BOGEYS AND GHOULIES STORIES or ping any artwork or your own stories inspired by this one to
All Sound effects were made by me or are Creative Commons 0 from free sound.org.
Thank you for listening
Ghost innn spppaaaace with Fiona Thraille and Robert Cudmore
The Ghost who lost their scare.🌏🌍🌎💙👻👻👻👻
Ping Sarah on @QUIRKYVOICES or send a message to quirkyvoices@gmail.com
Feel free to review and of the shows herein, and if you want to support Quirky Voices works, become a Patreon! You get early works and earlybird eps and discounts for any courses.....
The hat man….
A Bogies and Ghoulies special
By ©️Sarah Golding
It was a quiet October 31st in the early 2000’s. I was three years old. We’d gone trick or treating down our road a few hours before bed - me dressed as a ghost - and knocked on too many pumpkin footed doors, and I had eaten far too much chocolate, and felt a bit Ill and was a bit naughty.
Mummy and daddy, unsure of how to stop me being hyper said that if I didn’t go to bed soon and stay in bed, and behave myself, the hat man would come for me. They said The hat man took the souls of naughty greedy unkind children and my behaviour that night, though part the fault of a self induced chocolate sugar rush, was also rather naughty, greedy and unkind.
I eventually had my milk with a side serving of sulk time, and settled to bed, my tummy like a storm as it digested the rich foods and the too many sweeties I’d eaten.
I’d been dressed for bed in a flurry of ‘don’t want to, I’m not sleepy’ taut refusals and eventually settled in a grump a little under the warming covers, my quick breath making smoke of the air around me for a short while, which was odd, as I listened to a story with my hands on and off my ears like a spoilt grumpy pickle, and felt slowly dozier with the turning of each beautifully read page.
I fell asleep before the end of the story and opened my eyes to see mummy retreating backwards in the dark, thinking I was fully asleep….I gazed dreamily up at my smiling backwards walking mummy, as she blew me a kiss whispering ‘goodnight my darling, sleep tight I love you’ and put my door-to. A little sliver of dampened landing light sprawling across the wall.
It was a very quiet house.
My tummy rumbled on.
In a pre sleep daze I turned my gaze upwards to the prone animal mobile I had still next to my bed, long broken but there for comfort. ‘Goodnight Tiger’ I said out loud, a cloud of condensation pushing through the air. That was again…odd, but I was so tired I didn’t really think about it. With a big breath in, I shut my eyes.
I awoke just as the clock was striking the first of 12 loud slow motion dongs.
It had felt like seconds had passed instead of hours since the end of the story, as I jerked awake with a quick sharp breath to the sounds of the clock and my mobile - my long since broken beloved mobile - rotating uncomfortably quickly then slowly quietly then slowly round my head above the cot bed, thrumming with familiar tunes that had somehow turned to menace from the soothing tones expected.
I was still in a cot bed as mum and dad couldn’t afford another bed yet. It was a high backed cot facing the window, barred to the sides and a Winnie the Pooh etching up the tall bed head. I was too old for this bed now and nearly too big. I hoped that maybe in a few weeks I’d be in a big kid bed. I thought. I wished? I hoped.
I wanted so much to be a big kid. I really did.
One day
That day.
The night of that day.
The hat man came
And changed me
Tick tock tick tock went the big
Landing clock
Squelch sqwerch thump thump
Up the stairs
Some footsteps trump
Jingle jingle goes his belt
Spurs and leather
Mini pelt
All in black
Dark as a bat
The man
In the hat
I was asleep
But awake
But asleep
(Whisper) But awake
I could hear him coming but
Felt deaf to the world
Felt dumb to the world
Felt blind to the world
Felt numb
I wanted to
get up
and scream
for mum and for dad
Start running
He’s coming
He’s coming
The hat man
Is coming
I was somehow paralysed.
Unable to move.
Unable to do…
He’d climbed to the landing
Could hear his dark breath
His movement relentless
His presence meant death
He entered the doorway
Stood still for a mo
Me wondering.
What’s he doing?
Where will he go?
He didn’t approach
From the front
In straight lines
But zig-zagged
So strangely
Glitched hole black lines
I held all my breath
I still couldn’t move
So scared was I lying there
Heart stopped
In a groove
I lay looking up
At the ceiling above
At the edge of my cot
At the mobile I love
And at once
All the air
Seemed to go
From the room
I just could not breathe
As an eerie hush loomed
As if time itself
Had just uttered
Last breath
And my eyes darted round
As I feared my death
I didn’t wait long
As I stared up at bed head trim
Gentle eyes raising up
And I spotted th’black brim
Of his round rimmed wide hat
As it sheared into view
And I croaked in my throat
“Hat man…
I don’t like you”
The hat kept on growing until it was full
The brim getting wider
What scared face I did pull
And the
Eyes of the hat man
The nose of his face
The chin of the hat man
Rose stark into space
The scariest
Face of the hat man in place
Looming over the lip
Of the bed
By my face
A terrifying smile
Appeared underneath
With threatening menace and grey shiny teeth
I screamed a no scream
But all that came out was a squeak I do fear
The face above mine
As I looked up so scared
Was close enough now
To sweet kiss if I dared
The frozen expression
Of malice on face
That a three year old child
Should so never
The smell of tobacco
The stench of decay
Accompanied the hat man
Who froze here
No play
His eyes locked on mine
His teeth dripping fluid
And me paralysed
Under spell
Of this
Dark Druid
He sucked in his teeth
And sighed out a soul
And I started to whimper
And feel so less whole
I felt all my innards
A buzzy and shaken
And wished with all I had
That myself
Could awaken
For what could this mean
This hat man by my bed
It is surely a dream
This dread figure and head
A soul sucker man
Was the man with the hat
The hat man
Who took all bad children like that
The cheeky ones, naughty
The weak and faux brave
No none could escape
The rapture
Of this knave
A true prince of darknesss
A reaper of doom
And I couldn’t believe he was here
My room
In desperate attempt
To free soul
Of his glare
I remembered my life
And my love
And a prayer
I managed to say
As my soul sucked out flat
With last breath
And a will
‘Oh hey night man sir
I do love your hat
I’m sorry for bad words
And being so naughty
I promise
I’ll try to be nicer
Not haughty
I’ll do what my parents
Both ask me to do
I won’t answer back
Or be silly it’s true
I’ll sure think of others
Be gentle and kind
And all this I promise
If you leave me
My mind’
These words fell like glitter
And lit up the room
The hat man
He spiralled
And whizzed to his doom
‘Oh child of night
Your good words
You have stated
Relieve me of duties
Your soul liberated’
Some kind words
Well meant
Was all that it took
To rid my night time
Of the hat man
The spook.
The screams of trapped thousand
bad souls
In his hat
Screamed out
‘Well done big kid!’
And poof
Just like that
Normal ticking resumed
From the clock in the hall
And the moonlight fought through
To shine bright on my wall
The hat man
In a sharp moonlight ray
And I turned on my side
Hugged myself and did say
“Well the hat man is gone
Thank goodness for that”
As the dawn
Peaked without
looming Man
In The Hat.
Hours passed
Tick tock
I stared up and out
Until my eyes could stay open no more
And no doubt
I felt awash with relief and soul kept
I succumbed to a deep deep slumber, and slept
Next morning my parents
came soft to my room
none the wiser for my night time chills and thrills and near brush with death.
It was a cold, unusually frozen November morning. There was a tinkling frost on my walls and even some on the ceiling. My parents were both so bemused that the carpet was like snow, and it crunched as they trod, covering as they slippered across the room the heavy footsteps of THE HAT MAN who had last night visited, hopefully never to be seen again.
I was raised aloft and cuddled in a shiver of love, and grateful for their kindness and warmth and care.
So, the moral of this story?
Well, if you are in peril,
and things do feel scary,
and your heart beats fast
Misch’vous soul feels wary
Do adhere to big kid’s survival code,
be polite to an entitity no matter what forebodes,
for some
may be all that you need,
to get rid of a nasty thing,
stop a Hat Man Feed.
Be kind big kids
The end